Roasted Carrots Two Ways (Paleo, Whole30)

Someone recently called me the carrot queen…I don’t think I can officially claim that title, but I also can’t argue with it 🙃

There are SO many reasons to love roasted carrots, so let me lay out a few for you.

  1. Carrots are delicious. They are a relatively sweet vegetable with just enough natural sugar to make my taste buds happy but not nearly enough to give me a blood sugar crash.
  2. Carrots are nutrient dense. Carrots are a particularly good source of beta-carotene, fiber, vitamin K, potassium and antioxidants, making them great for glowing skin and improved eyesight.
  3. Carrots are wallet-friendly. A two-pound bag of carrots costs $2-3 at my Whole Foods, and even less than that at the farmers’ market. Can you think of anything else that costs that little at Whole Foods and actually fills you up?
  4. Carrots require minimal prep. Forget chopping, peeling, etc. If you buy bagged carrots from the grocery store (pre-washed), you can literally just dump them on your baking sheet and go to town!


For all of these reasons, carrots are a staple in my diet. I typically buy one bag a week and alternate the way I cook them – sometimes sweet and sometimes savory. I love to use the  “sweet” (no added sweetener, don’t worry) version in coconut yogurt bowls or drizzled with coconut butter and the savory version on salads or as a side dish for a typical meat-and-veggies meal.


If you’re a tad bit lazy/busy but want to eat your veggies (like me), then you’re going to LOVE these roasted carrots! Check out the recipe for both my sweet and savory roasted carrots below and let me know what you think!

Roasted Carrots Two Ways (Paleo, Whole30)

  • Servings: 4-6
  • Difficulty: SO easy
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The easiest roasted vegetable, with both a sweet and a savory version.



  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
  2. Spread carrots on a baking sheet. For savory version: drizzle with melted ghee or avocado oil and sea salt. For sweet version: drizzle with melted coconut oil, cinnamon, and sea salt. Mix the carrots around on the baking sheet to ensure they are evenly coated with cooking fat + salt.
  3. Bake for 35-45 minutes, until juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside.
  4. Remove from oven and enjoy!

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